SkyePay Feature Comparison

See how SkyePay compares to typical industry solutions.

SkyePay Patient Payment System Dashboard
FunctionalitySkyelarkeOther Providers
All therapeutic areas supported
Site portalSOME
Client portal
Client dashboardSOME
Variety of real-time reportsSOME
1099 reporting for USSOME
Payment types supportedSkyelarkeOther Providers
Expenses including driveSOME
Create your own expense types and categories
Batch payments
Diary entry or trigger payments
Payment CapabilitiesSkyelarkeOther Providers
Card paymentsSOME
Bank transfers
Virtual cardsSOME
Multiple payees per patientSOME
Patient can choose modality on any payment / visit
Payment Approval CapabilitiesSkyelarkeOther Providers
Approve expenses directly in the client portalSOME
Partially approve expenses in the client portalSOME
Decline expensesSOME
Review receiptsSOME
API CapabilitiesSkyelarkeOther Providers
Internal API - (make payment, register cardholder etc)
Batch payment capability
PII / Data CapabilitiesSkyelarkeOther Providers
Regional data storage
Store data specific to country regulations
Complies with France mr001 regulation
GDPR compliant
Types of client & customer support availableSkyelarkeOther Providers
Dedicated support team and project manager for the duration of your study
Phone support
Email support